Monday, November 5, 2012

Days Off | TLC My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding

Ohmigosh!! I was just asked to be the photographer for an episode of TLC's Mt Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding!!!! But I can't do it because it's on a Sunay!!  I have always worked on Sundays since I was in High School through College, and working at CNN for 9 years.  When I started Paris Mountain Photography I decided to make a rule that I will not work on Sundays anymore and keep that day as it is intended, for church and family.  It's a hard decision because I have had to turn down many Jewish weddings, Indian weddings and now this!  But I know that in the end it's the right hard aas it is......    :(   SOOOOO bummed!!! :D That would totally have been right up my alley!!! :D Hot pink Tuxes!!!! OMG!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Does that mean there are going to be more episodes of my big fat american gypsy wedding?!?! i have been waiting for this show to come back on! :)
