Monday, September 19, 2011

Introducing Princess Pugly Jones!

When our neighbor told us about the dog they found abandoned and neglected I didn't think too much about it until I saw her.  Poor thing was skin and bones, covered in fleas and scarred up from a fight of some sort, and an eye infection.  Jeesh!  She was pitiful, but sweet as could be as weak as she was.  So I gave her some food and asked if anyone could help her.  I got a ton or responses, but once I told them her condition she was turned away.  SOOOO!!! She's now the lucky new member of the Jones' clan! And it's amazing what a little food, a bath and a trip to the vet will do! :D  She looks a hundred times better only three days later! :D WHoo hooo!  Her name is Princess Pugly, and she just might regret living with us after the girls put their first tu tu and other dress up clothes on her! :D  


  1. She looks so much better than the first picture I saw of her...I'm so glad y'all were able to keep her and give her a good home!!!!!!!

  2. she is adorable. Pugs are great! They are food driven so once she realizes the tutu's come with a cookie she'll love them (I have a pug that has so many clothes and will let me do anything with her as long as she gets cookie for it. It's hilarious).
