Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Shooting in RAW mode

I started shooting film about 20 years ago so when digital cameras came out I had to learn a LOT!  One thing that I didn't understand to begin with was shooting in RAW mode.  I always shot in JPG mode which was much easier and faster in my opinion.  Until one day a wonderful photographer friend encouraged me to switch to RAW. So I tried it.... and I was AMAZED! My photos took a totally different look, and although it did take more time to edit them, I had much more control in editing than before.  RAW images retain all their information when the shot is taken, so major adjustments can be made and the image is still good.  Here's an example of an image that I had accidentally overexposed. Lucky for me I shot in RAW and was able to bring down the exposure and highlights to get the image perfect. If I had shot I in JPG mode the blown out whites would be completely washed out and I would have lost all of the details in the trees and in their faces.  Perfect example of why RAW is the way to go! :D

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